
Last Update 10 months ago

We strongly believe that low code represents the next application generation. Understanding business processes has much more value than writing tons of lines of code.

Tech skills-free approach comes with multiple advantages, such as a perfect time to market.

Business Success is in link to Service features and delivery, then IT must address several issues in this regard:

  • What is the best way to package my app for delivery?
  • How can I gain time for development?
  • How can I get development, test, and production environment strictly identical?
  • What are operational expenditures?
  • How big my infrastructure should be?
  • How many guys are required to manage it?
  • How do I create the CI/CD process up to the push-in production?
  • How do I secure my app?

The platform is a way to manage multiple Node-RED instances at scale seamlessly. platform

The platform answers the questions above.

Low code appl, the new normal, is the way to package a modern app. provides the ability to encapsulate your application within a dedicated Node-Red instance.

The worldwide coverage is offering you and your customer a unique implementation, that matches your requirements. creates pools of separate instances for each customer to provide application isolation.

Less than a minute to get your instance up and running, os management-free, at a glance headaches-free.

Upgrade when you wish at your convenience.

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